EducArte receives Maryland Humanities SHINE grant

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This week, Maryland Humanities announced general operating awards to 90 Maryland nonprofit organizations ($10,000 per organization) through the Hatza Memorial SHINE (Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity) Grant Program. EducArte is pleased to share that we were among the organizations selected to receive a SHINE grant this year.

SHINE Grant recipients include museums, historic sites, preservation & historical societies, and community & cultural organizations throughout the state of Maryland. General operating expenses include salaries, rent, utilities, supplies, equipment, programs, and other expenses. The grants provide full flexibility to nonprofits, allowing them to determine where funds are most needed.

“This season, I am so thankful we are able to spread the love through our SHINE grants to 90 organizations across the state doing important humanities work. Having led a tiny historical society for almost a decade, I know just how impactful these dollars are for many of these organizations.,” said Lindsey Baker, Executive Director at Maryland Humanities.

See the full list of grantees, or learn more about SHINE, here.

This project has been financed in part with State Funds from the Maryland Historical Trust, an agency of the Maryland Department of Planning which is an instrumentality of the State of Maryland. However, project contents or opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Historical Trust or the Maryland Department of Planning.

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