
“Vem Pra Perto da Gente Sambar!” (Come Samba With Us!) — Luiz Carlos Da Vila

Experience the exuberant and community-centered tradition of samba at EducArte’s Sarau de Samba, a monthly celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture in the heart of the DMV. Renowned local Brazilian performers Pablo Regis, André Coelho, and Ilheuma Zezeh lead the Rio de Janeiro style music and dance event. Samba is an interactive experience and we invite you to join the Sarau de Samba. 

Set in the historic Glen Echo Park, Sarau de Samba features a dynamic ensemble of skilled musicians and dancers, showcasing the diverse rhythms of samba, from Golden Age classics and choro to modern pagode and high-energy carnival beats. More than just a performance, this event invites attendees to become part of the music, with opportunities to dance, sing, and even play instruments alongside the professionals. Each session starts with a beginner dance lesson. The event is open to people of any skill level, no partner or instruments required.

Sarau de Samba is presented by the region’s premier Brazilian performing arts presenter EducArte in partnership with Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture. Glen Echo Park is a family friendly venue and park that offers free parking and is easily accessible by public transportation. Food and drink are for sale. This family-friendly event offers a welcoming space for all ages and backgrounds to come together.

Join us monthly for an afternoon of rhythm, dance, and community. Sarau de Samba isn’t just an event; it’s a living, breathing celebration of Brazilian identity and the unifying power of music. Don’t miss this chance to experience the authentic spirit of Brazil right here in Maryland!


“Vem Pra Perto da Gente Sambar!” — Luiz Carlos Da Vila

A EducArte lhe convida para nosso Sarau de Samba, uma roda de samba mensal que celebra a rica tradição do samba que acontece no coração da região do DMV. A roda é comandada pelos músicos Pablo Regis e André Coelho e dançarina Ilheuma Zezeh. O samba é uma mágica manifestação popular e contamos com você.

Realizado no histórico centro cultural Glen Echo Park, o Sarau de Samba reúne músicos, dançarinos e o público num ambiente amistoso e contagiante.  O evento é aberto a pessoas de qualquer nível de habilidade, sem necessidade de trazer um parceiro de dança ou instrumentos.

Sarau de Samba é apresentado pela produtora EducArte em parceria com o Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture. O Glen Echo Park é um parque histórico e um ambiente excelente para famílias. Glen Echo Park oferece estacionamento  gratuito e é de fácil acesso por transporte público. Comidas e bebidas estão à venda.

Junte-se a nós mensalmente para uma tarde de música, dança e comunidade que celebra nossas tradições e o poder da música em nos unir.

Video by Julie Weber & Sam Quinlan.

Upcoming saraus

Sarau de Samba at Glen Echo Park

Experience the exuberant and community-centered tradition of samba at EducArte’s Sarau de Samba, a monthly celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture in the heart of the DMV.

Find out more
Ballroom Back Room at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd
Glen Echo, 20812 United States
+ Google Map

Sarau de Samba at Glen Echo Park

Experience the exuberant and community-centered tradition of samba at EducArte’s Sarau de Samba, a monthly celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture in the heart of the DMV.

Find out more
Ballroom Back Room at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd
Glen Echo, 20812 United States
+ Google Map

Sarau de Samba at Glen Echo Park

Experience the exuberant and community-centered tradition of samba at EducArte’s Sarau de Samba, a monthly celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture in the heart of the DMV.

Find out more
Ballroom Back Room at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd
Glen Echo, 20812 United States
+ Google Map

Sarau de Samba at Glen Echo Park

Experience the exuberant and community-centered tradition of samba at EducArte’s Sarau de Samba, a monthly celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture in the heart of the DMV.

Find out more
Ballroom Back Room at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd
Glen Echo, 20812 United States
+ Google Map

Sarau de Samba at Glen Echo Park

Experience the exuberant and community-centered tradition of samba at EducArte’s Sarau de Samba, a monthly celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture in the heart of the DMV.

Find out more
Ballroom Back Room at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd
Glen Echo, 20812 United States
+ Google Map
Event accessibility:

Glen Echo Park has plenty of accessible parking spots available at both the main parking lot and the upper parking lot off of MacArthur Boulevard. From either parking lot, the park is wheelchair and walker accessible. More information on accessible parking is available here.

All restrooms at Glen Echo Park are accessible, including the non-gendered and family restrooms located on the second floor of the Arcade building.

We make accommodations so that all can participate in our event. The dance lesson and music-making parts of our program are accessible to those in wheelchairs and with physical disabilities. 

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