Ethnographic research workshop: Interviewing
July 31, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
This online workshop is the third in a series of ethnographic research workshops organized in partnership with Fulbridge, the Fulbrighter Network, and EducArte. The workshops are for Fulbright alumni, current Fulbrighters, and prospective Fulbrighters, or for anyone interested in ethnographic research. We welcome people from all fields and disciplines to share their experiences and expertise.
This workshop (on Zoom) will be an open forum discussion about ethnographic interviewing. Some of the questions we will discuss are:
- What are the differences between formal interviews and informal conversations?
- What are best practices when working with translators and transcribers?
- What are discipline-specific suggestions for reading and re-reading transcriptions, note-taking, and qualitative research coding?
- How do we deal with issues of consent/confidentiality when using quotes from interviews or informal conversations?
To register, visit More information about the workshops and video recordings of previous workshops can be found here.